Test our high-quality dog food with juicy meat and fresh vegetables now! Unhealthy carbohydrates, synthetic vitamins and additives don't get into your darling's bowl.
Here you can discover our three varieties, optionally with fish fillet, pasture-raised beef or free-range goat - all of the best quality. Try it out and let your four-legged friend decide for himself what he likes best!
from € 42,94Incl. 7% VAT., excl. Shipping costs
Delivery time: 3-4 days (from EUR 8,59 per kg)
Delicious pasture goat meat, specially selected vegetables, cold-pressed hemp oil & the best wild berries -
from € 42,94Incl. 7% VAT., excl. Shipping costs
Delivery time: 3-4 days (from EUR 8,59 per kg)
The very best grass-fed beef, specially selected vegetables, cold-pressed hemp oil, the best raspberries and blueberries -
from € 42,94Incl. 7% VAT., excl. Shipping costs
Delivery time: 3-4 days (from EUR 8,59 per kg)
Sea fish fillet, specially selected vegetables, cold-pressed hemp oil & the best raspberries